Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The New Big Guy, Let Me In

I know I am late. This is a long overdue recount of my current activities. So first on August 30 I went to beautiful Stavanger to play the day after a solo concert under my own name, which is actually a rare thing. I played three pieces, 'Profieldeel Zes', which is a remix of 'Vijf Profielen', 'IX (For Christian Nijs)' and a new piece, which has no name yet. Things went well, despite the fact that my ribs hurt like hell. I forgot to tell I fell off my bike in the rain, the week before that. A night of no sleep didn't speed up the healing process, but the plane went on six in the morning. Straight to Rotterdam, were I slept for an hour or so at Roel's house, before heading off to Deventer, to play as Zebra. Despite some technical problems things went well, even when no one but one danced. Audience response was low, where they were enthusiastic about the rock bands. It made us think: old guys play laptops, the young ones play guitars. Doesn't that seem odd?
Not much time to contemplate the answer as on thursday 6th I left for Washington. Immigration let me in, once again (what a nightmare that is) and I played three concerts at Sonic Circuits: on friday as Freiband,on Saturday as Goem|FDW and on sunday as myself. Schizophonica in optima forma. Friday and Saturday were packed nights, with lots of bands, some technical problems which affected Humcrush and Christoph Heeman, but it was nice seeing the latter as well as Kevin Spencer of Robot Records fame. 'Profieldeel Zes' from Washington comes as a 3" on My Own Little Label, and Zeromoon will have a MP3 of the Goem|FDW concert.
On 9/11 I took the above picture, which subtitle is: 'I'm the new big guy, let me in'. Looking around the corridors of power, I think it's most likely the only tourist thing I did this year.

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