I know I should have been updating this more in the last week, but after leaving for Petersburg, we have been travelling a lot, and internet wasn't always available, well, that, or we didn't look properly. The first picture you see is from Roel and me in front of the store that gave us the name Goem. At last! Anyway, on sunday night we went to the Teremin instititute and did a workshop/informal talk about our work, which went well, although the Q&A was something of a babylonic affair. Right after that we went by night train to Petersburg and I didn't catch any sleep, but was a good boy and marched past all the things to see there. At the Experimental Sound Gallery not many people showed up, but there were three from The Netherlands, whom I think were more attracted to the fact that we were Dutch than to the brilliant music we played. Ho-hum. The night train took us back and we waited two hours before hopping on the next train to Yaroslavl, again a totally different city that Moscow or Petersburg. Much more relaxed and calm. Roel played a soviet star during Kapotte Muziek, which many seemed to enjoy. Then we went back to The Netherlands. Spasiba!: Dmitry, Sergey, Artiom, Alex and Vladimir, and no doubt I forget a few.
No rest for the wicked as on friday I had to built up an installation '[untitled]' at the CBKN in Nijmegen. It's in the nuclear shelter basement and it's to announce the film presentation that is on the 15th, until which date you can see this. From thursday to sunday, 12 to 5. It's low on sound, stay at least 10 minutes to catch the drift. A slightly different presentation than at Tent two years ago.
Then on Saturday night Extrapool re-opened their doors with a long night of small concerts and performances. Martin Luiten and I played our very first gig as Pick-up, which I think, given the circumstances went alright. We played mono on a monitor speaker in one of the new bedrooms, with people talking alround. The picture shown here is taken by Elise, who is not yet the new Anton Corbijn. But she and some others seemed to like it. And now it's time to spend my entire time on the 50+ CDs for Vital Weekly.