Thursday, July 3, 2008


Yesterday I visited the opening of 'Frozen', an exhibition at De Melkweg in Amsterdam, which is part of the 5days Off Festival. In this exhibition visual artists work with a music piece, and make a translation of the music into visual art. Marius Watz works with the music of Alexander Rishaug and Andreas Nicolas Fischer & Benjamin Maus, Leander Herzog and Daniel Widrig & Shajay Booshan all work with my Freiband piece 'Reflection'. The audience can choose which one to hear. It looks absolutely great, me thinks. The pieces show the structure of the music quite well. Below are pictures of the three pieces for my music. It's open until July 26th at the Melkweg Mediaroom, so if you are in that town, do something nice and visit it, I'd say!

Melkweg site

Benjamin Maus site